Javascript Internationalization
I recently did some research on Javascript internationalization for a (mostly) client-side Javascript app. Here are my thoughts and findings.
Some definitions
i18n (internationalization) — The process by which software is made language and locale neutral. i18n stands for 18 characters in the word internationalization.
l10n (localization) — The processes to localize software into a specific locale (includes translations, rules about numbers, currencies, dates, and more).
High-Level Considerations
Besides language translation, there’s other localization requirements to be considered.
- Dates — Date formats change across cultures. For example, 10/4/15 means October 4th in the US, and April 10th in the UK.
- Times — Different locales require either a 24-hour clock or 12-hour clock. Also, some locales use different notations, like 5h10 in French.
- Formatting of numbers — Different locales use different digits to represent numbers. So, 3,025.23 in English would be 3.025,23 in Greman, and 3 025,23 in French.
- Images — If you have images with text, you need to make sure to provide versions for each locale.
- UI Spacing — You need to provide enough space in the UI to handle expanded lengths of words. IBM has provided design guidelines that specify an additional 200% space for short words; The W3 provides an example of a translation for Flickr requiring an additional 300% in Italian.
- Text Sorting — Text sorting can vary by language. For instance, German has two types of sort order, phonebook and dictionary, which determine whether to sort by sounds (umlauted vowels become to character pairs: ä → ae, ö → oe, ü → ue.) or by character order.
- Punctuation — Different languages use different punctuation. For instance, double quotes in English (“ “) are represented as guillemets in French (« »).
- Keyboard shortcuts — If you have hotkeys that map to English words, these should be updated with a mapping for each locale.
- Outbound links — External links to documentation will need to take language into account.
- Accessibility — If the software offers accessibility options, those will need to take the locales into consideration.
There’s a few more that I don’t need to handle for this particular project:
- Currencies
- Addresses — including zipcodes
- Phone numbers
- Validation — Luckily, we have no data input fields that would require locale-specific validation (like number inputs or date/time inputs).
Technical Considerations
When translating strings, there’s no consensus on how to specify keys used for the strings. Three main strategies are used: English strings, descriptive keys, and object keys.
English Strings
Using a string as a key might look like this:
// returns "Welcome" in English,
// and "Willkommen" in German
Which would return the given string in English, and the translation in another language.
This is the format that both gettext (Linux’s i18n implementation) and genstrings (Apple’s i18n tool) use. Using English strings have a number of clear benefits:
- It directly shows the meaning of the text.
- If a translation is unavailable, it’s possible to fall back to the given string.
- Given that this strategy is the closest thing to an i18n key standard, if browsers were to implement an i18n translation standard in the future, this will probably be the strategy.
However, there are drawbacks:
- Using English as the default can lead to conflicting keys in other languages. For instance, an English word “Email” might require two different texts in French, “E-Mail” or “Envoyer un e-mail”..
- If an English translation changes, every translation file’s keys needs to be updated (though, presumbly, if an English translation changes, every other language will have to change as well).
- For longer texts, specifying English strings keys could become verbose, particularly for paragraph-length text.
Descriptive keys
Using descriptive keys for each translation is another oft-used solution that would look like this:
// returns "Welcome" in English,
// and "Willkommen" in German
This method solves many of the drawbacks of using strings (handling homonyms, changing English translations without updating all language files, and less verbose).
However, using abstract keys comes with its own set of disadvantages:
- It’s not immediately clear what a given string means, so metadata or comments dictating the purpose and placement of strings would be necessary.
- No fallback is possible if a translation doesn’t exist.
- Collisions in key names could happen much more frequently.
Finally, we could use objects which is effectively a more advanced key structures:
// returns "Welcome" in English,
// and "Willkommen" in German
The main benefit here would be to keep things better organized by namespacing various texts. This is the strategy that Rails uses for their i18n tool. It would also avoid the issue of collisions highlighted above with a flat JSON object.
Passing arguments
In many languages, word order can change. Therefore, it’s important that translations maintain the ability to change word order in sentences. This means string concatenations should be avoided:
// Bad!
_("File moved to ") + folder_name + _("a few minutes ago")
// Good!
_("File moved to % a few minutes ago", %s)
Most libraries accept arguments in order or as named parameters which allows for flexible input. This allows the developer to decide which method of input to use, dependinding on whether verbosity or clarity is desired.
// Passing arguments in order
_('The first letters in the alphabet: %s %s %s', 'a', 'b', 'c')
// Passing names arguments
_('Welcome to %(version), %(user_name)', { version: 'Awesome Software', user_name: 'admin' })
Another problem between different locales concerns plurals.
Different languages have different rules for plurals. Polish, for instance, has four plural forms:
A plural rule defines a plural form using a formula that includes a counter. A counter is the number of items you’re trying to pluralize. Say we’re working with “2 rabbits.” The number before the word “rabbits” is the counter. In this case, it has the value 2. Now, if we take the English language as an example, it has two plural forms: singular and plural. Therefore, our rules look like this:
If the counter has the integer value of 1, use the singular: “rabbit.”If the counter has a value that is not equal to 1, use the plural: “rabbits.”
However, the same isn’t true in Polish, where the same word — “rabbit,” or “królik” — can take more than two forms:
If the counter has the integer value of 1, use “królik.”If the counter has a value that ends in 2–4, excluding 12–14, use “królika.”If the counter is not 1 and has a value that ends in either 0 or 1, or the counter ends in 5–9, or the counter ends in 12–14, use “królików.”If the counter has any other value than the above, use “króliki.”
To solve this, ICU’s MessageFormat provides a standard for formatting plurals in strings across languages. (It also specifies how to handle genders in different languages.)
A message with plurals might look like this:
'There {scans, plural, one{is # scan} other{are # scans}}';
The message above shows plurals inlined in the message. Another strategy is to define each plural message separately:
one: "There is # scan",
other: "There are # scans"
Defining plurals using the latter strategy can become very verbose, especially for longer text strings. Inlining plurals as shown in the first example is much more concise.
Translation formats
The obvious file format contender is JSON.
However, gettext, Linux’s standard translation library, uses a format called PO files which is also worth considering.
The format of a PO file is:
# translator-comments
#. extracted-comments
#: reference…
#, flag…
#| msgid previous-untranslated-string
msgid untranslated-string
msgstr translated-string
There is wide support across languages for reading PO files, including Node, Python, and Java.
A major argument in favor of using PO files is that it would allow us to take advantage of the ecosystem that’s been built up around the PO format. For instance, POEdit is a popular translating tool; numerous online web services offer PO support; and any experienced translator will certainly be familiar with the PO format.
Additionally, if you’re sharing translation files with a particular non-Javascript backend, PO might be a more appropriate file format than JSON.
Debugging and development
When it comes to debugging translation integration, a number of recommendations are worth highlighting.
Pseudo Language
A common recommendation is to set up an “pseudo language” for testing. This will highlight all translated strings in the application and allow developers to quickly locate any untranslated strings.
One solution is to simply pad English strings, making it easy to see missing strings:
“里îßEnter your name:里îß”
Another option is to replace English with a repeating character:
My favorite is replacing English characters with similar, yet distinctly foreign, replacements:
Ŝęľęčŧ äʼn äččőūʼnŧ þęľőŵ ŧő vįęŵ őř đőŵʼnľőäđ yőūř äväįľäþľę őʼnľįʼnę şŧäŧęmęʼnŧş.
HTML elements containing translations should be tagged with the particular key of the translation in development mode. This will make it easy to identify a particular translation if it acts up.
On Github I’ve evaluated a number of i18n libraries. For my purposes, I’ve chosen to go with stitching a number of libraries together in lieu of a framework, specifically MessageFormat.js, Moment.js, and Intl (with Intl.js polyfill).